
The 14th edition of UBC Vancouver’s Faculty & Staff Sports Day had faculty and staff from a variety of units represented at the event. Project Seahorse fielded the only IOF team.

A new study has confirmed a long-held assumption: that orcas take just one breath between dives.

A collaborative study examined the concept of Indigenous data sovereignty in the context of salmon-bearing ecosystems in BC. The authors argue that successful conservation in the face of cumulative effects and climate change will require scientists to respect and incorporate Indigenous data sovereignty.

Researchers found that high urea concentrations common in cartilaginous fish, particularly oviparous marine species, allow them to mature and begin to reproduce at a larger fraction of their maximal size.

Have ideas on how to rebuild and restore Pacific salmon populations? IOF will host 14 Community Salmon Dialogues across BC seeking input from all community members about the future of Pacific salmon. Join us at one of these events.

There are currently 74 Southern Resident killer whales, and this population is listed as endangered in both Canada and the U.S. The species relies on Pacific salmon (Chinook and coho) for food, however these salmon populations have been decreasing for decades.

Not only a cheap and accessible food source, fish is also a source of income for low-income fishers working in fisheries. However, relying on fish is becoming a risky gamble.

Mike Kelloway is federal Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard

The award recognizes exceptional initiative on behalf of the Society of Canadian Aquatic Sciences, acknowledging Dr. Reid's innovative efforts in developing inclusive spaces for Indigenous content and participation